Nature in Forssa region is diverse and inspires a variety if outdoor activities. You can choose from many different forms of outdoor exercise including kayaking, hiking and even horse riding. Alternatively, in the town, you can find indoor activities such as bowling and swimming.
At Jokioinen Museum Railway you can enjoy the ride on a rail handcar. You can travel at your own pace. You can enjoy the beautiful countryside and stop on the way to Santavaihde for a campfire.
The rail handcars available are two-piece piston rods, in which two passengers can travel while two are pumping. There are a total of four rail handcars, so you can come and travel with Your friends!
Handcar renting during summer 2024
9.6.-31.7. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm
1.-23.8. Mon-Fri and Sun 10am-5pm
No handcar traffic is allowed at June and July onSundays and at August on Saturdays due to Museum Train´s traffic.